

Making clear some concepts.

For many, the vegan lifestyle is just a fad, others do looking to improve their health problems / reduce risk of certain diseases, others go for ethical reasons; Some others do not even know why, a friend often tell me that is "vegetarian since birth ",  because she never liked the animal products.Whatever the case, It's conveniently useful to know our true motives and be clear about the basic pillars of veganism. By definition:

ETHICS: (Greek ethika of ethos, 'behavior', 'custom'). Branch of philosophy, is considered a normative science, because it deals with the rules of human behavior. is the study of rational morality, virtue, duty, happiness and good living.Respect for the nature and protection of other living beings are ethical reasons for not wanting to cause unnecessary suffering;  it means taking responsability of our actions and having compassion. The laboratories of many cosmetic companies  have decided to abandon the tests in rabbits and rats, and perform them in skin tissues, cells and bacteria in vitro, for later, within a legal framework, conducting the final stages in research groups supervised by health professionals (dermatologists, ophthalmologists, etc.), in vivo studies, all this answers the ethical and the desire of users to use cruelty-free products.But not everything ethical in veganism relates only to the animals, and just not all vegetables are ethical; as an example is palm oil, thanks to industrial production has destroyed rainforests, which is home to thousands species and has put orangutans on the list of endangered animals so many vegans reject these foods unless they are confident that their production is environmentally friendly.
HEALTHY: is an adjective that refers to what is used to maintain or restore health.
It may be something specific (such as food) or abstract (stay calm, avoid worry). Health involves the complete physical, mental and social development of the person. This means that a subject may not be ill and yet not be in good health. The healthy thing is whatever helps preserve and increase welfare.Excessive consumption of meat and dairy as has been tradition in the Western diet is good for health? There's a widespread evidence that extensive livestock carried boundaries in which currently, where they feed the animals (which later will be killed) with formulas to ensure fattening (breaking the real food chain), adding harmful hormones in order that the animal would grow up abnormally fast, to be sold fast as in the case of poultry farms and estrogen use. Many of these chickens die of heart attacks before leaving the farm, and even walking for them is impossible because the excessive fat and disproportionate growth of the body in relation to the internal organs, causes fatigue in them. If that's not good for a chicken ... will it be good for you??Needless to say it has changed the amount of meat consumed per person today in relation to what was consumed several decades ago. Over-feeding? yes. and that is not healthy. It should not surprise us the alarming increase in coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus and many cancers that decades ago were so rare. I once heard from another doctor (an oncologist) that the high figure of breast cancer is a myth, according to him, it will always been a high rate of that cancer; it's only that now we have more sophisticated methods for diagnosis, before people have more sophisticated methods for diagnosis; in the past people died and nobody figured why ... I strongly disagree, why do we deceive ourselves with what is more than evident ? blinding ourselves to the obvious.

SUSTAINABLE: A characteristic or state whereby they can satisfy the needs of the present and local population without compromising the ability of future generations or populations in other regions to meet their needs.Sustainable use of an ecosystem refers to humans make use of an ecosystem so that this produces a continuous benefit to present generations while retaining their potential to meet the needs and aspirations of future generations.Vegan style is sustainable because for every kilogram of beef cattle are needed 16 kg of compound feed based on corn and / or soybeans. The remaining 15 kg were used in the animal energy processes in the formation of non-edible parts of this, or lost part of the droppings.Whoever diet focuses on meat to get 2,500 calories daily requires four acres of land allocated to livestock. If the same person bases his or her diet in wheat (for example), he or she would be fed with an eighth of a hectare.  A hectare media with rice and beans can feed 6 people. If it used all cereals intended for extensive grazing in people, the problem of hunger in the Third World would be already solved.Particularly these are my reasons, my motives, strong enough to make me stop eating the omnivorous and Western way. Of course, these aren't decisions to be so fancifully taken, you need to read enough, research about it, personally, it took me a lot of time (did not want a "brainwash"), at the end I take my own decision.
And you, what reasons have led you to consider this lifestyle?

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