
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Como?? Un helado sin leche??!!/ Really?? A dairy-free ice cream??!!

Hoy decidi prepararme un helado vegano para merendar, cuya receta encontre en la web...eso me hizo recordar unas semanas atras, cuando entre a una plaza, junto con mi esposo, a hacer algunas diligencias y estaba haciendo bastante calor (el clima de Santo Domingo es tropical la mayor parte del tiempo), asi que decidimos aprovechar y pasar a una heladeria, vale resaltar que es una de las franquicias lideres de dicho producto.

La dependienta nos miro atonita. "Un helado sin leche??? de eso no tenemos" me contesta desconcertada; yo, pues, le pido un smoothie de frutas..."muy bien. Con que quiere que le combine la fruta? con yoghurt o helado?". Vuelvo y le recuerdo a la pobre muchacha (que se veia nerviosa y turbada) que nosotros no tomamos leche ni yoghurt.

Me dice que obligatoriamente debia agregar helado o yoghurt porque de lo contrario la trituradora no podria con la fruta solamente...le sugiero que agregue jugo de naranja. Al final mi smoothie se convirtio en jugo de naranja con trozos gigantes de cerezas y frambuesas. La dependienta nos observaba en silencio, hasta que no pudo contenerse mas y nos pregunto si es que nos hacia daño la leche; yo le conteste con la mejor de mis sonrisas: "somos veganos"...

Estoy segura de que no entendio nada, pocas personas saben de que se trata el veganismo; si yo hubiese usado la palabra "vegetarianos" probablemente ella me habria entendido. Para mucha gente en este pais, "vegano" no es mas que el gentilicio usado para una ciudad de RD (La Vega). Me hubiese gustado dedicarme a explicarle que esto es un estilo de vida, que la leche no me da colicos abdominales, simplemente yo elijo no consumirla, pero la chica estaba muy ocupada en ese momento; tenian demasiados clientes. Nuestra visita a dicha heladeria termino con una sugerencia de incluir un helado sin leche, para aquellos que no toleran la lactosa y para los (poquisimos) que sabemos lo que implica y elegimos no consumirla.

Ojala algun dia las cosas cambien y no sea tan dificil conseguir opciones veganas en los sitios publicos.


Today I decided to prepare some vegan ice cream, whose recipe I found on the web ... it reminded me a few weeks ago, when visiting the mall, along with my husband, to do some errands and the weather was hot (climate in Santo Domingo is tropical most of the time), so we decided to go to an ice cream shop, which is one of the leaders of that product franchises.The clerk looked at us dumbfounded. "An ice cream without milk??? we don't have that in here" she answered; so I asked for a fruit smoothie ... "very well. What do you want with your fruits? yogurt or ice cream?". I remembered again the poor girl (who looked nervous and embarrassed) that we do not take milk or yoghurt.She said that it was mandatory to add ice cream or yoghurt because otherwise the crusher won't work with the fruit only ... I suggested to add orange juice. Eventually my smoothie became an orange juice with giant chunks of cherries and raspberries. The clerk watched us in silence, until she could not contain herself any longer and asked if it hurt us to drink some milk, I answered with my best smile: "We are vegans" ...

I'm sure she did not get it, few people know what veganism is, if I had used the word "vegetarian" she probably would have understood. For many people in this country, "vegan" is but the adjective used for a city of DR (La Vega). I wish to dedicate a time to explain her that this is a lifestyle, that the reason why I don't drink milk is not abdominal cramps, just I choose not to consume it, but the girl was busy at the time, had too many customers. Our visit to this ice cream shop ended with a suggestion to include an ice cream without milk, for those who are lactose intolerant and the (very few) like us, who choose not to consume it.Hopefully one day things will change and not be so hard to get vegan options in public places in my country.

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